
Nicolas Andreas Taralis ss2011

do you ever get the sneaking suspicion that a designer has you solely in mind when coalescing a particular collection?

i couldn't wish for anything more. past (late '90s), current, and future all in one.
i think i may need to shift focus and start exploring oversized mesh/netting options.


jeremy scott spring 2011

get ready for folsom 2010.
consume consume consume.
buy buy buy.

this collection required some extra time to thoroughly process what was taking place.
it takes us on a very juvenile romp through the leather subculture.
the "in your face" prints suggest a youthful reinterpretation of bdsm.
the over-processed, superficial imagery is delightfully consumed by the onlooker...
as if h&m and mr.s s had a love-child.

lucky me, i already own a pair of short chaps!


Hardolph Coeur à Vif by David Lenhardt




must have...
must procure 996.00 USD...

reward? increase poverty?

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suppress? maintain poverty?